2018 GSA South-Central Section

52nd Annual Meeting

Geology in the Natural State

12–13 March | Little Rock, Arkansas

Little Rock Marriott


W1. Earth and Space Sciences in the High School Integrated Approach.
Cosponsored by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers Geo2YC Division; The International Association for Geoscience Diversity.
Saturday, 10 March, 8 a.m.–noon Canceled
W2. High-Resolution Geophysical Imaging: An Aid for Geological Mapping.
Sunday, 11 March, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Canceled
W3. Basic Seismic Attributes.
Sunday, 11 March, 1–5 p.m. Canceled
W4. Gaming Engines and Geospatial Imaging: An Introduction to Unity as a Visualization Tool.
Sunday, 11 March, 1–4:30 p.m. Canceled