2018 GSA South-Central Section

52nd Annual Meeting

Geology in the Natural State

12–13 March | Little Rock, Arkansas

Little Rock Marriott


Photo by Oliver Beland.

Situated on the Arkansas River, Little Rock is home to a vibrant nightlife, big-time entertainment, world-class attractions, and a booming dining scene. Learn about important events in the civil rights movement at the Central High School National Historic Site, explore the Clinton Presidential Center, and imagine a world free of hunger and poverty at the Heifer Village. Lace up your running shoes or hop on a bicycle and cruise the Arkansas River Trail, which features more than 15 miles of scenic riverfront and one of the longest pedestrian and bicycle bridges in America.

From digging for quartz or diamonds to soaking in a natural hot springs bath at Hot Springs National Park, Little Rock is the perfect starting point for a wide range of geology-related adventures. We have put together an exciting program of field trips, workshops, and technical sessions covering a wide range of geology topics that we believe will be very appealing.

We look forward to seeing you in Little Rock in 2018!

RISE logo


Abstracts Due:
5 December 2017

Early Registration Ends:
5 February 2018


Michael DeAngelis

Technical Session Chair:
Laura Ruhl

Field Trip Chair:
Angela Chandler

Workshop/Short Course Chair:
Kathy Knierim

Student Volunteer Coordinator:
René Shroat-Lewis

Exhibits Coordinator:
Joshua Spinler

Beth McMillan

Sponsorship Co-chair
Jeff Connelly