1932678 | CORDILLERAN | C | 5/17/2024 | 5/30/2025 | 1 | Chair | C | Dr. John Wakabayashi | johnwako@sbcglobal.net | California State University, Fresno | (559) 278-6459 |
9104838 | CORDILLERAN | PC | 6/1/2024 | 5/30/2025 | 6 | Past Chair | PC | Dr. JAY Chapman | jbchapmanv@utep.edu | University of Texas at El Paso | (520) 429-9713 |
9100284 | CORDILLERAN | VC | 6/3/2024 | 5/30/2025 | 12 | Vice-Chair | VC | Elisa Fitz-Díaz | elisaf@geologia.unam.mx | UNAM | 52-55 5622 4324 |
1043940 | CORDILLERAN | S | 7/1/2017 | 6/30/2025 | 16 | Secretary | S | Dr. Calvin G. Barnes | cal.barnes@ttu.edu | Texas Tech | |
9232976 | CORDILLERAN | SR | 6/3/2024 | 5/4/2025 | 81 | Student Representative | SR | Javaria Aziz | javariaaziz@yahoo.com | Portland State University, Department of Geology | |
9195750 | NORTH-CENTRAL | C | 6/1/2024 | 5/30/2025 | 1 | Chair | C | Prof. Eung Seok Lee | leee1@ohio.edu | Ohio University, Earth and Environmental Geosciences | (740) 597-3320 |
1334566 | NORTH-CENTRAL | PC | 4/21/2024 | 4/23/2025 | 6 | Past Chair | PC | Dr. Douglas R. Gouzie, PG | douglasgouzie@missouristate.edu | Missouri State Univ | |
9241369 | NORTH-CENTRAL | S | 4/24/2024 | 5/31/2028 | 16 | Secretary | S | James L. Berglund | berglundjam@uwplatt.edu | University of Wisconsin -Platteville | (507) 313-6087 |
9224849 | NORTH-CENTRAL | SR | 5/8/2023 | 5/30/2025 | 81 | Student Representative | SR | Mr. Ezekiel King Phillips | kingphej@mail.uc.edu | University of Cincinnati, Department of Geosciences | |
9141424 | NORTH-CENTRAL | ML | 5/8/2023 | 5/30/2026 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Dr. Stuart Michael Kenderes | skenderes@gmail.com | | |
9085814 | NORTH-CENTRAL | ML | 5/8/2023 | 5/30/2026 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Dr. James Joseph Zambito, IV | zambitoj@beloit.edu | Beloit College, Department of Geology | (608) 363-2223 |
9086603 | NORTH-CENTRAL | ML | 4/24/2024 | 5/31/2027 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Dr. Daniel M. Sturmer | Daniel.Sturmer@uc.edu | University of Cincinnati Geosciences | (513) 556-5705 |
9068885 | NORTHEASTERN | C | 3/20/2024 | 3/30/2025 | 1 | Chair | C | Dr. Nancy A. Price | napricegeo@gmail.com | Center for Earth & Environmental Science, SUNY Plattsburgh | (240) 542-8508 |
9321136 | NORTHEASTERN | VC | 3/20/2024 | 3/30/2025 | 12 | Vice-Chair | VC | Dr. Kristen Underwood, Ph.D. | Kristen.Underwood@uvm.edu | University of Vermont and Saint Michael’s College | |
1954624 | NORTHEASTERN | S-T | 3/21/2013 | 6/30/2026 | 17 | Secretary-Treasurer | S-T | Dr. David P. West, Jr. | dwest@middlebury.edu | Middlebury College | (802) 443-3476 |
9107314 | NORTHEASTERN | ML | 3/20/2024 | 5/30/2026 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Tamara Carley | carleyt@lafayette.edu | Lafayette College | |
9131751 | ROCKY_MTN | C | 6/1/2024 | 5/20/2025 | 1 | Chair | C | Emily J. Kleber | ekleber@utah.gov | Utah Geological Survey | (801) 537-3380 |
9100751 | ROCKY_MTN | PC | 6/1/2024 | 5/20/2025 | 6 | Past Chair | PC | Dr. Dave Pearson | peardavi@isu.edu | Idaho State University | (208) 282-3486 |
9118218 | ROCKY_MTN | CE | 6/3/2024 | 5/20/2025 | 11 | Chair-elect | CE | Dr. John Singleton | john.singleton@colostate.edu | Colorado State University | (970) 491-0740 |
2009992 | ROCKY_MTN | VC | 5/31/2024 | 5/31/2025 | 12 | Vice-Chair | VC | Cal Ruleman | cruleman@usgs.gov | U.S. Geological Survey | (303) 236-7804 |
9127396 | ROCKY_MTN | S | 7/30/2022 | 7/29/2026 | 16 | Secretary | S | Shannon Mahan | fiftyisntold@gmail.com | US Geological Survey | (303) 236-7928 |
9309302 | ROCKY_MTN | GRADSTU | 8/10/2023 | 5/30/2025 | 81 | Graduate Student Representative | GRADSTU | Mrs. Kristen Elizabeth Smith | krstnwolf92@gmail.com | Brigham Young University- Utah | |
9318775 | ROCKY_MTN | UNGDSTREP | 8/14/2023 | 5/30/2025 | 81 | Undergraduate Student Representative | UNGDSTREP | Michael Tiago Heebner | michaeltiagoheebn@isu.edu | Idaho State Univ, Geology | |
9050462 | ROCKY_MTN | ML | 6/1/2023 | 5/30/2025 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Dr. Benjamin J. C. Laabs | blaabs@usbr.gov | U.S. Bureau of Reclamation | (303) 579-2174 |
9082735 | ROCKY_MTN | ML | 7/30/2022 | 7/29/2026 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Dr. Alexis Katherine Ault | alexis.ault@usu.edu | Utah State University | (757) 784-6452 |
2009963 | SOUTH-CENTRAL | COCH | 4/24/2024 | 3/11/2025 | 2 | Co-Chair | COCH | Mr. Scott Marvin Ausbrooks | scott.ausbrooks@arkansas.gov | Office of the State Geologist - Arkansas Department of Energy & Environment | (501) 296-1882 |
9116880 | SOUTH-CENTRAL | COCH | 4/24/2024 | 3/11/2025 | 2 | Co-Chair | COCH | Ms. Angela Chandler | angela.chandler@arkansas.gov | Office of the State Geologist | (501) 683-0111 |
9309186 | SOUTH-CENTRAL | PC | 4/24/2024 | 3/11/2025 | 6 | Past Chair | PC | Prof. Mohamed Aly, Ph.D. | aly@uark.edu | Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas | (479) 575-3185 |
9082526 | SOUTH-CENTRAL | S | 10/13/2021 | 4/30/2026 | 16 | Secretary | S | Michael T. DeAngelis | mtdeangelis@ualr.edu | University of Arkansas at Little Rock | (501) 916-5761 |
1990011 | SOUTH-CENTRAL | ML | 10/1/2018 | 4/30/2026 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Dr. Wendi J. W. Williams | wwilliam@southtexascollege.edu | South Texas College | (956) 872-8319 |
1089419 | SOUTH-CENTRAL | ML | 4/1/2021 | 5/1/2025 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Dr. Stephen K. Boss | sboss@uark.edu | University of Arkansas | (479) 409-9857 |
9309186 | SOUTH-CENTRAL | ML | 4/1/2022 | 4/30/2026 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Prof. Mohamed Aly, Ph.D. | aly@uark.edu | Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas | (479) 575-3185 |
9116549 | SOUTH-CENTRAL | ML | 3/13/2024 | 5/31/2028 | 126 | Member-at-Large | ML | Juan Alonso Ramirez Fernandez | alonso_fct@hotmail.com | | (821) 211-0138 |
9131752 | SOUTHEASTERN | C | 4/23/2024 | 3/28/2025 | 1 | Chair | C | Dr. Rebecca Freeman | rebecca.freeman@uky.edu | University of Kentucky Earth & Environ | (859) 257-6376 |
9054599 | SOUTHEASTERN | CE | 4/17/2024 | 3/28/2025 | 11 | Chair-elect | CE | Dr. Arthur James Merschat | amerschat@usgs.gov | USGS | (865) 207-2857 |
1521935 | SOUTHEASTERN | VC | 4/17/2024 | 3/28/2025 | 12 | Vice-Chair | VC | Dr. Stephen A. Leslie | lesliesa@jmu.edu | James Madison University | (540) 568-6130 |
9129125 | SOUTHEASTERN | S-T | 3/22/2023 | 3/28/2025 | 17 | Secretary-Treasurer | S-T | Katherine Luciano | lucianok@dnr.sc.gov | South Carolina Geological Survey | 843-953-6843 |