GSA Today

Print Media – Display Advertising

Rates & Details | Guidelines | Insertion Order

Keep your brand visible. Stay ahead of your competitors. Be an industry leader.
Connect with your niche market of engaged geoscientists who want to be kept up-to-date on activities and opportunities within the community.

GSA Today is the Society’s monthly, open-access science & news magazine that provides an audience of more than 22,000 readers.

Published 11 times a year (combined March-April). Issues include, but are not limited to:
  • Refereed hot-topic science article
  • "Groundwork" (focused on issues of import to earth science policy, planning, funding, and education)
  • Research and development technologies
  • Funding and career opportunities
  • Other events and activities of the Society and the community at large

In accordance with The Geological Society of America’s (GSA) mission to advance the geosciences and to support the geoscience workforce, GSA offers advertising services. GSA accepts tasteful geoscience-related advertisements that may be of interest to the geoscience community. The Society reserves the right to decline advertising at its sole discretion. Acceptance of advertising does not in any manner constitute GSA’s endorsement or recommendation of the providers’ products, services, policies, or practices.

Rates & Information

Product / Service Ads
GSA Today Display Ads monthly print / digital issues

Classifieds / Recruitment Job Ads
Classifieds / Recruitment Job Ads
Geoscience Job Board/web
Digital Ads
Display Ads
Web | E-mail
Ann Crawford
GSA Advertising Manager
+1-800-472-1988, ext. 1053 (toll-free)


  • Frequency Discounts: Cross frequency is earned between all GSA products.
  • Multi-month contracts are your best option — Take advantage of the savings & extra visibility!
  • Web-promotional opportunities available with multi-month contracts.
  • Recruitment ads may be placed as display (boxed) ads: use these rates/sizes and closing dates.
Insertion Order Form GSA Today Display Ad Space – 2024
Base Black & White Rates — rate per insertion
Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 12x Dimensions
Full page $1270 $1206 $1143 $1060 7-5/16" × 9-3/4"
2/3 page $1142 $1085 $1028 $954 4-13/16" × 9-3/4"
1/2 island $1032 $981 $929 $862 4-13/16" × 7-3/8"
1/2 vertical $976 $927 $879 $815 3-3/8" × 9-3/4"
1/2 horizontal $922 $876 $830 $770 7-5/16" × 4-13/16"
1/3 square $740 $703 $666 $617 4-13/16" × 4-13/16"
1/3 vertical $740 $703 $666 $617 2-5/16" × 9-3/4"
1/4 page $592 $562 $532 $494 3-9/16" × 4-3/4"
1/6 page $465 $442 $419 $388 2- 5/16" × 4-13/16" (vertical) 
Card size (1/8 page) $150 $150 $150 $150 3-1/2" × 2" (horizontal) 


Add cost to space rate (above); per insertion
Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 12x
full $800 $760 $720 $668
half $399 $379 $359 $333
third $269 $256 $242 $225
fourth $200 $190 $180 $167
sixth $134 $127 $120 $112
eighth $150 $150 $150 $150
Space Reservations: 5th of the month, 2 months prior
Electronic Files Due: 15th of the month, 2 months prior
Recognized ad agencies: 1/4-pg and larger commissionable.
Position Charges:
Add cost to space rate (above); per insertion
Cover 2 Full page + color cost plus: $625
Cover 3 Full page + color cost plus: $510
Cover 4 Full page + color cost plus: $800
Center spread Full page (color or b&w) cost plus: $605
Other position

Full page (color or b&w) cost plus: $150


Premium Issue Charges
September or October
(convention issue)
add 10% to b/w page rate for single insertion


Space reservations close the 1st of the month two months prior to issue.

Electronic file, plus a hard copy of the ad if necessary, are due no later than the 15th of the month, two months prior to issue. (e.g., June issue closes on 1 April; materials are due on 15 April.). No cancellations accepted after closing date. Please contact us to confirm electronic file specifications.

No April issue; it is combined with March and published on March schedule.

Include complete address, best contact phone number, and e-mail address with all correspondence.

GSA Today — Special Issues

September or October

  • Convention issues. Don't miss having your product/service promoted prior to the meeting. Issues feature the highly-rated science article, as well as promotions by advertisers who may also be exhibiting at the event.
  • Bonus distribution Issue scheduled to be at the event for attendee pickup.
  • Exhibitor Advertisers may earn priority points

Frequency discounts apply.


  • Printed offset, web-fed.
  • Journal format, trim size 8-3/8 × 10-7/8 inches. Saddle-wire stiched.
  • For bleeds: add 1/4-inch all around to trim size.
  • Electronic art files: Ads must be sent electronically by e-mail (can be a zip file). Include all companion file imports and typefaces. Illustrations and photos should be saved as .TIF or .EPS (.JPEGs are not accepted).
  • High-resolution PDFs are accepted as final art. Use Adobe Acrobat Distiller default setting PDF/X-1a.
  • CMYK color only: 300 dpi; gray-scale: 300 dpi; line art: 1200 dpi; ruled lines no smaller than 0.3 pt.
  • Disclaimer: GSA will not alter client ads to ensure quality print reproduction. Ads sent with images or type at resolutions other than that specified are not guaranteed to reproduce at highest quality.
  • See Ad Submission Guidelines (PDF) or contact GSA Advertising for more information. Graphic services available at an additional cost.