Rip Rapp Archaeological Geology Award
In 1983, the division estabished the "Archaeological Geology Division Award" for outstanding
contributions to the
interdisciplinary field of archaeological geology. In 1993, the award was officially renaimed the "Rip
Archaeological Geology Award" in honor of George "Rip" Rapp, Jr. Rip was one of the primary individuals
for establishment of the division and generously established a division award fund with the GSA
Foundation. Donald
L. Johnson was the first recipient of the renamed award.
Learn more about the Geoarchaeology Division.
Gilbert H. Cady Award
The Cady Award is presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of coal
geology. As
defined by the Division, "coal geology refers to the field of knowledge concerning the origin,
relationships and geologic characteristics of the many varieties of coal and associate rocks, including
This award is generally made annually, but may be withheld in any year where there are no recommendations
made. Funds
for the award are derived from interest from the Gilbert H. Cady Memorial Fund which is administered by
the GSA
Foundation, which accepts personal and corporate donations.
Learn more about the Energy
Edward Burwell, Jr., Award
The Edward Burwell, Jr., Award, established by the Division in 1968, honors the memory of one of the
founding members
of the Division and the first chief geologist of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It consists of an
embossed award
certificate. This award is made to the author or authors of a published paper of distinction that
advances knowledge
concerning principles or practice of engineering geology, or of related fields of applied soil or rock
where the role of geology is emphasized. The paper that receives the award must (1) deal with
engineering geology or
a closely related field, and (2) have been published no more than 5 years prior to its selection. There
are no
restrictions as to the publisher or publishing agency of the paper. The author or authors of the
selected paper need
not be a member(s) of the Environmental and Engineering Geology Division or of the Geological Society of
America and
need not be a resident(s) or citizen(s) of the United States.
Learn more about the Environmental and
Outstanding Contributions in Geoinformatics Award
The Outstanding Contributions in Geoinformatics award will be made to an individual who has contributed
in an
outstanding manner to geology through the application of the principles of Geoinformatics. The
individual will be a
member of GSA. Normally, a single award will be made annually, but in any particular year may be
withheld if the
management board decides that no suitable candidate has been nominated. The award will be presented at
the annual
GSA meeting.
Learn more about the Geoinformatics
George P. Woollard Award
This award is given annually to recognize outstanding contributions to geology through the application of
principles and techniques of geophysics.
Learn more about the Geophysics
Biggs Earth Science Teaching Award
The Biggs Award, which recognizes innovative and effective teaching of earth science among early career
faculty, is
the Geoscience Education Division’s Named Award. Earth science instructors and faculty from all academic
institutions engaged in undergraduate education, who have been teaching full-time for 10 years or less
are eligible.
Part-time teaching is not counted in the 10 years. Nominees may self-nominate for this award.
An award of $750 is made possible as a result of support from the Donald and Carolyn Biggs Fund, the GSA
Education Division, and GSA's Education & Outreach Programs. An additional travel reimbursement of
up to $500 is
available to the recipient to attend the award presentation at the GSA annual meeting.
Learn more about the Geoscience
History, Philosophy, and Geoheritage Division Award
The Mary C. Rabbitt Award is presented annually by the Geological Society of America's History, Philosophy, and Geoheritage Division to an individual for exceptional scholarly contributions of fundamental importance to
understanding of the history of the geological sciences. Achievements deserving of the award include,
but may not be
limited to, publication of papers or books that contribute new and profound insights into the history
and philosophy
of geology based on original research or a synthesis of existing knowledge.
Learn more about the History, Philosophy, and Geoheritage Division.
O. E. Meinzer Award
The O.E. Meinzer Award is presented annually to the author or authors of a published paper or body of
papers of
distinction that advanced the science of hydrogeology or some closely related field. Originally
restricted to works
published within the five calendar years preceeding the year of the award, the Hydrogeology Division
bylaws were
amended in 2004 to permit publications from any year to be considered. The O.E. Meinzer Award Committee
of the
Hydrogeology Division makes a recommendation to the GSA Council which makes the final decision and
announces the
Learn more about the Hydrogeology
GSA International Distinguished Career Award
The Distinguished Career Award will be given to a geologist who has made numerous, distinguished, and
contributions that have clearly advanced the international geological sciences through service and or
activities. The award will consist of a plaque inscribed with the name of the recipient, the name of the
award, the
name of the Section, and the emblem of The Geological Society of America. The award will be presented at
International's annual business meeting.
Learn more about GSA
Israel C. Russell Award
The Israel C. Russell Award is a new award of the Limnogeology Division and is awarded for major
achievements in
Limnogeology through contributions in research, teaching and service. Nominations should consist
of a letter
describing the Nominee's accomplishments in the field of limnogeology (broadly defined and including
limnology and paleolimnology), service to students and teaching, and contributions to GSA, as well as a
Vitae. The Nominee need not be a member of the Division or of GSA, but must have made valuable
contributions to the
Society. The dossiers of nominees who did not receive the award in any given year will be retained and
for two succeeding years; thus, nominations are valid for a total of three years. Updated information
for carry-over
candidates may be sent to the Division Treasurer during the ordinary call for nominations. Israel C.
Russell Award
Committee members are encouraged to initiate nominations for the Award.
Nominations are currently being accepted until 15 March.
Nominations should be forwarded electronically to the Division Treasurer David Finkelstein,
Learn more about the Limnogeology
MGPV Distinguished Geologic Career Award
The MGPV Distinguished Geological Career Award will go to an individual who, throughout his/her career,
has made
distinguished contributions in one or more of the following fields of research: mineralogy,
geochemistry, petrology,
volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-based contributions. This award emphasizes a
geologic and
multidisciplinary approach. Geological work is by nature generalistic and has an important field
component, with
Earth as the natural laboratory.
Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United States, and membership in the Geological Society
of America
is not required.
Learn more about the Mineralogy,
Geochemistry, Petrology,
& Volcanology Division.
G. K. Gilbert Award
The award is named for G. K. Gilbert, who 100 years ago clearly recognized the importance of a planetary
in solving terrestrial geologic problems. The G. K. Gilbert Award is presented annually for outstanding
contributions to the solution of fundamental problems in planetary geology in the broadest sense, which
geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, geophysics, geologic mapping, and remote sensing. Such
contributions may
consist either of a single outstanding publication or a series of publications that have had great
influence in the
Presentation of the G. K. Gilbert Award is made during the annual business meeting of the Division held
association with the Annual Meeting of the Society.
Learn more about the Planetary Geology
Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence
The Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence is given for a publication (within past 5 years) of
advancing the science of geomorphology or Quaternary geology.
Learn more about the Quaternary
Geology &
Geomorphology Division.
Laurence L. Sloss Award
The Sloss award is given annually to a sedimentary geologist whose lifetime achievements best exemplify
those of
Larry Sloss — i.e., achievements that contribute widely to the field of sedimentary geology and through
service to
Learn more about the Sedimentary
Structural Geology and Tectonics Career Contribution Award
It is awarded to an individual who throughout his/her career has made numerous distinguished
contributions that have
clearly advanced the science of structural geology or tectonics. Nominees need not be citizens or
residents of the
United States, and membership in the Geological Society of America is not required. The Career
Contribution Award
cannot be given posthumously, unless the decision to give it was made before the death of the awardee.
Learn more about the Structural
Geology and
Tectonics Division.
Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Distinguished Career Award
This award is given annually to recognize sustained excellence in research, mentoring, service, and leadership
for the geobiology and geomicrobiology community throughout the awardee’s career. The award will be presented at
the annual GSA meeting.
Learn more about the Geobiology
and Geomicrobiology Division.
Geology and Health Division Meritorious Service Award
The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the mission of the Geology and Health Scientific Division. The awardee must be a member of the Geology and Health Scientific Division.
Learn more about the Geology and Health Division.