Russell G. Slayback
Leggette, Brashears & Graham
2017 AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell
Presented to Russell G. Slayback
Citation by William J. Siok
Today we recognize Russel G. Slayback and his accomplished career. He is a colleague, a friend, a mentor, and an exemplar of the professional geoscientist.
Russ Slayback, AIPG Certified Professional Geologist and the 2017 recipient of the AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell for Superlative Service to the Geosciences, joins the ranks of a group of extraordinary geologists, the previous recipients of this coveted award given in recognition of exemplary service to the geoscience profession and to the broader community.
Russ’s distinguished career spans more than 50 years. He has worked to improve and elevate standards in the field of applied geology. As an applied geologist, he worked tirelessly to develop an outstanding career at Leggett, Brashears, and Graham, a pioneering and prestigious hydrogeology consulting firm. He began his career at LBG as a staff hydrogeologist and advanced to become its president and chairman of the board.
A perhaps more notable aspect of Russ’s career has been his extraordinary and exemplary contributions to the advancement of the geosciences through his volunteerism. His accomplishments include significant and distinguished roles in technical and learned geoscience societies as well as educational institutions. Russ served in 20 different offices and positions in the American Institute of Professional Geologists, including serving as AIPG national president. He has been honored as recipient of the AIPG Martin Van Covering Award for service to the Institute and the prestigious Ben H. Parker Medal awarded to individuals who have long records of distinguished and outstanding service to the profession.
He served the American Geosciences Institute with the same energy and dedication, serving as an AGI Foundation Trustee and Chairman of the Foundation, as a member-at-large on the Executive Committee, and as president of the Institute. During his term as Foundation chairman, Russ was integral to the establishment of the endowed AGI Fisher Congressional Fellowship, which serves to put the voice of geoscience in the halls of Congress. His leadership and fundraising abilities, along with his personal contribution, were key to the success of this endeavor. AGI recognized his effective leadership and outstanding service to the Institute with the William B. Heroy Jr. Award for Distinguished Service to AGI.
Russ served with distinction on the University of Texas at Austin Jackson School Geology Foundation Advisory Council, rising to the office of chairman during his tenure. In addition, he has been active in several other professional societies and in state level advisory committees, as well as in civic activities. His efforts have broadened the scope of geoscience and enhanced its recognition in protecting and developing earth resources.2017 AGI Medal in Memory of Ian Campbell — Response by Russell G. Slayback