General information
Memorials are tributes written by associates, friends, or relatives, to deceased members of GSA. Authors who submit
memorials may receive paper preprints for their own distribution on request. Copies will also be provided to the
family of the deceased on request.
Members may also write their own memorials. The memorial should be attached to the member's Will with instructions to
forward it to GSA at the appropriate time. Self-written memorials must follow GSA guidelines, and will be
professionally edited by GSA editorial staff as appropriate. If the forwarding party would like copies of the memorial
as specified above, they must notify GSA at that time.
View Sample Memorial
Submission Guidelines
- The copy should be limited to 2000 words (not including bibliography).
- Please double check spelling of names and dates listed within the text.
- Provide the text as an electronic file in Word format.
- Please supply a digital photo in .JPG or .TIF format.
- Supply a selection of works that highlight a career, not a full listing of all published works.
- Do not abbreviate names of journals.
- Style should stay consistent throughout.
Keep the memories alive!
See a complete list of previously published memorials.