Current Issue Articles for Geosphere Posted Online in January
Boulder, Colo., USA: GSA’s dynamic online journal, Geosphere,
posts articles online regularly. Topics for articles posted for Geosphere this month include feldspar recycling in Yosemite
National Park; the Ragged Mountain Fault, Alaska; the Khao Khwang Fold and
Thrust Belt, Thailand; the northern Sierra Nevada; and the Queen Charlotte
Feldspar recycling across magma mush bodies during the voluminous
Half Dome and Cathedral Peak stages of the Tuolumne intrusive
complex, Yosemite National Park, California, USA
Louis F. Oppenheim; Valbone Memeti; Calvin G. Barnes; Melissa Chambers;
Joachim Krause ...
Incremental pluton growth can produce sheeted complexes with no magma-magma
interaction or large, dynamic magma bodies communicating via crystal and
melt exchanges, depending on pulse size and frequency of intrusions.
Determining the degree and spatial extent of crystal-melt exchange along
and away from plutonic contacts at or near the emplacement level, such as
in the large, long-lived Tuolumne intrusive complex (TIC) in California,
sheds light onto the process and evolution of incremental growth. This
study used field mapping and petrographic and geochemical analysis of
plagioclase and K-feldspar populations in the equigranular Half Dome (eHD),
porphyritic Half Dome (pHD), and Cathedral Peak (CP) Granodiorites of the
southeastern section of the TIC to determine the presence and/or extent of
feldspar recycling at interunit contacts. Our results suggest that contacts
between major units are predominantly ~400-m- to 3-km-thick gradational
zones. K-feldspar is compositionally distinct in eHD and neighboring
gradational zones and shows no evidence of mixing. K-feldspar in a
gradational zone between pHD and CP shows evidence of mixing between the
two. Plagioclase in eHD and CP display distinct ranges of anorthite
content, Sr, and light rare earth element abundances; both populations are
observed in pHD. Major oxide and trace element calculations of melts in
equilibrium with plagioclase cores indicate that the melts were more
silicic, less calcic, and lower in Sr and Rb than corresponding analyzed
whole-rock samples. These results suggest that the magmas also underwent
plagioclase and biotite accumulation. The presence of two plagioclase
populations in pHD is consistent with eHD and CP hybridizing to form pHD in
an increasingly maturing and exchanging TIC magmatic system during the
eHD-pHD-CP stages but before groundmass and small K-feldspar phenocrysts
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Development of surface ruptures by hanging-wall extension over a
thrust ramp along the Ragged Mountain fault, Katalla, Alaska, USA:
Applications of high-resolution three-dimensional terrain models
Sarah N. Heinlein; Terry L. Pavlis; Ronald L. Bruhn
High-resolution three-dimensional terrain models are used to evaluate the
Ragged Mountain fault kinematics (Katalla, Alaska, USA). Previous studies
have produced contradictory interpretations of the fault’s kinematics
because surface ruptures along the fault are primarily steeply dipping,
uphill-facing normal fault scarps. In this paper, we evaluate the
hypothesis that these uphill-facing scarps represent extension above a
buried thrust ramp. Detailed geomorphic mapping along the fault, using
20-cm-resolution aerial imagery draped onto a 1-m-resolution lidar (light
detection and ranging) elevation model, was used to produce multiple
topographic profiles. These profiles illustrate scarp geometries and
prominent convex-upward topographic surfaces, indicating significant
disturbance by active tectonics. A theoretical model is developed for
fault-parallel flow over a thrust ramp that shows the geometric
relationships between thrust displacement, upper-plate extension, and ramp
dip. An important prediction of the model for this study is that the
magnitude of upper-plate extension is comparable to, or greater than, the
thrust displacement for ramps with dips greater than ~45°. This model is
used to analyze profile shapes and surface displacements in Move software
(Midland Valley Ltd.). Analyses of scarp heights allow estimates of
hanging-wall extension, which we then use to estimate slip on the
underlying thrust via the model. Assuming a low-angle (30°) uniformly
dipping thrust and simple longitudinal extension via normal faulting,
variations in extension along the fault would require a slip gradient from
~8 m in the north to ~22 m in the south. However, the same north-south
variation in extension with a constant slip of 8–10 m may infer an increase
in fault dip from ~30° in the north to ~60° in the south. This model
prediction has broader implications for active-fault studies. Because the
model quantifies relationships between hanging-wall extension, fault slip,
and fault dip, it is possible to invert for fault slip in blind thrust
ramps where hanging-wall extension is the primary surface manifestation.
This study, together with results from the St. Elias Erosion and Tectonics
Project (STEEP), clarifies the role of the Ragged Mountain fault as a
contractional structure within a broadly sinistral shear system in the
western syntaxis of the St. Elias orogeny.
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Development of an intra-carbonate detachment during thrusting: The
variable influence of pressure solution on deformation style, Khao
Khwang Fold and Thrust Belt, Thailand
C.K. Morley; S. Jitmahantakul; C. von Hagke; J. Warren; F. Linares
Classic detachment zones in fold and thrust belts are generally defined by
a weak lithology (typically salt or shale), often accompanied by high
over-pressures. This study describes an atypical detachment that occurs
entirely within a relatively strong Permian carbonate lithology, deformed
during the Triassic Indosinian orogeny in Thailand under late
diagenetic-anchimetamorphic conditions. The key differences between
stratigraphic members that led to development of a detachment zone are
bedding spacing and clay content. The lower, older, unit is the Khao Yai
Member (KYM), which is a dark-gray to black, well-bedded, clay-rich
limestone. The upper unit, the Na Phra Lan Member (NPM), comprises more
massive, medium- to light-gray, commonly recrystallized limestones and
marble. The KYM displays much tighter to even isoclinal, shorter-wavelength
folds than the NPM. Pressure solution played a dominant role throughout the
structural development—first forming early diagenetic bedding; later
tectonic pressure solution preferentially followed this bedding instead of
forming axial planar cleavage. The detachment zone between the two members
is transitional over tens of meters. Moving up-section, tight to isoclinal
folds with steeply inclined axial surfaces are replaced by folds with
low-angle axial planes, thrusts, and thrust wedging, bed-parallel shearing,
and by pressure solution along bedding-parallel seams (that reduce fold
amplitude). In outcrops 100–300 m long, reduction of line-length shortening
on folds from >50% to <10% shortening upwards indicates that
deformation in the NPM is being accommodated differently from the KYM,
probably predominantly by shortening on longer wavelength and/or spacing
folds and thrusts, given the low amount of strain observed within the NPM,
which excludes widespread layer-parallel thickening
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Influence of pre-existing structure on pluton emplacement and
geomorphology: The Merrimac plutons, northern Sierra Nevada,
California, USA
V.E. Langenheim; J.A. Vazquez; K.M. Schmidt; G. Guglielmo, Jr.; D.S.
In much of the western Cordillera of North America, the geologic framework
of crustal structure generated in the Mesozoic leaves an imprint on later
plutonic emplacement, subsequent structural setting, and present landscape
morphology. The Merrimac plutons in the northern Sierra Nevada (California,
USA) are a good example of the influence of pre-existing structure at a
larger scale. This paper updates and refines earlier studies of the
Merrimac plutons, with the addition of analysis of gravity and magnetic
data and new 206Pb/238U zircon dates. The gravity and
magnetic data not only confirm the presence of two different neighboring
plutons, but also (1) support the presence of a third pluton, (2) refine
the nature of the contact between the Merrimac plutons as being
structurally controlled, and (3) estimate the depth extent of the plutons
to be ~4–5 km. The zircon 206Pb/238U dates indicate
that the two main plutons have statistically different crystallization ages
nearly 4 m.y. apart. Geomorphic analyses, including estimates of relief,
roughness and drainage density and generation of chi plots, indicate that
the two main plutons are characterized by different elevations with large
longitudinal channel knickpoints that we speculatively attribute to
possible reactivation of pre-existing structure in addition to lithologic
variations influencing relative erosion susceptibility in response to prior
accelerated surface uplift.
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Late Quaternary sea level, isostatic response, and sediment
dispersal along the Queen Charlotte fault
J. Vaughn Barrie; H. Gary Greene; Kim W. Conway; Daniel S. Brothers
The active Pacific margin of the Haida Gwaii and southeast Alaska has been
subject to vigorous storm activity, dramatic sea-level change, and active
tectonism since glacial times. Glaciation was minimal along the western
shelf margin, except for large ice streams that formed glacial valleys to
the shelf break between the major islands of southeast Alaska and Haida
Gwaii. Upon deglaciation, sediment discharge was extensive, but it
terminated quickly due to rapid glacial retreat and sea-level lowering with
the development of a glacio-isostatic forebulge, coupled with eustatic
lowering. Glacial sedimentation offshore ended soon after 15.0 ka. The
shelf became emergent, with sea level lowering by, and possibly greater
than, 175 m. The rapid transgression that followed began sometime before
12.7 ka off Haida Gwaii and 12.0 ka off southeast Alaska, and with the
extreme wave-dominated environment, the unconsolidated sediment that was
left on the shelf was effectively removed. Temperate carbonate sands make
up the few sediment deposits presently found on the shelf. The Queen
Charlotte fault, which lies just below the shelf break for most of its
length, was extensively gullied during this short period of significant
sediment discharge, when sediment was transported though the glacial
valleys and across the narrow shelf through fluvial and submarine channels
and was deposited offshore as sea level dropped. The Queen Charlotte fault
became the western terminus of the glacio-isostatic forebulge, with the
fault acting as a hinged flap taking up the uplift and collapse along the
fault of 70+ m. This may have resulted in the development of the
distinctive fault valley that presently acts as a very linear channel
pathway for sediment throughout the fault system.
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