Current Meetings

Future Section Meetings

Looking for Section Meeting Hosts

GSA Section Meetings are excellent venues for interdisciplinary science. They are an important hub for discussing and presenting current research and for networking with professionals and students. They provide an excellent opportunity for students to attend and participate in technical sessions, field trips, and short courses close to their schools.

The health of the Sections depends on many willing hands. GSA Headquarters now offers significant assistance with the logistical responsibilities for Section Meetings, so chairs are able to spend more time developing the scientific program.

If you would like to bring a GSA Section Meeting to your location, please refer to the chart below for current openings and take a moment to contact the appropriate Section Secretary to discuss what hosting a meeting entails.

Sect. 2025 2026
CD Sacramento, California, USA
1–4 April
Chair: David Shimabukuro,
Loreto, Baja California Sur, México
Dates: April 2026
Chair: Raquel Negrete-Aranda, 
NC Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Joint with Northeastern
27–30 March
Chair: Eung Seok Lee,
Memphis, Tennessee, USA 
Joint with South-Central and Southeastern
Dates: 8-11 March
Chairs: Arleen Hill,
Will Jackson,
Wendi J. W. Williams,
NE Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
Joint with North-Central
27–30 March
Chair: Patrick Burkhart,
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Dates: 21–24 March (T)
Chair: Mark Evans,
RM Provo, Utah, USA
18–20 May
Chairs: Danny Horns,
Mike Bunds,
Nathan Toke,
New Mexico, USA
Dates: TBD
Chair: Peter Fawcett
SC Conway, Arkansas, USA
9–11 March
Co-chairs: Angela Chandler,
Scott Ausbrooks,
Memphis, Tennessee, USA 
Joint with North-Central and Southeastern
Dates: 8-11 March
Chairs: Arleen Hill,
Will Jackson,
Wendi J. W. Williams,
SE Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
19–21 March
Co-chairs: Steve Leslie,
Steve Whitmeyer,
Memphis, Tennessee, USA 
Joint with North-Central and South-Central
Dates: 8-11 March
Chairs: Arleen Hill,
Will Jackson,
Wendi J. W. Williams,