John C. Frye
Environmental Geology Award

In cooperation with the Association of American State Geologists (AASG), GSA makes an annual award for the best paper on environmental geology published either by GSA or by one of the state geological surveys. Please send nominations to GSA Grants, Awards, and Recognition, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA. Learn more from the Association of American State Geologists.

Criteria for Nomination

  1. The paper must be selected from GSA or state geological survey publications;
  2. It must have been published during the preceding three full calendar years; and
  3. The nomination must include a paragraph stating the pertinence of the paper.

Basis for Selection

Each paper will be judged on its uniqueness or significance as a model of its type of work along with its overall worthiness. It is preferred that the paper be directly applicable to informed laypersons (e.g., planners, engineers). In addition, nominated papers must

  • Establish an environmental problem or need;
  • Provide substantive information on the basic geology or geologic process pertinent to the problem;
  • Relate the geology to the problem or need;
  • suggest solutions or provide appropriate land use recommendations based on the geology;
  • present the information in a manner that is understandable and directly usable by geologists; and
  • address the environmental need or resolve the problem.

To Nominate, Submit:

  • Letter of nomination
  • Three hard copies, an electronic copy, or a link to the nominated paper
  • Up to three letters of support from users of the publication

Send to
Awards and Recognition
Geological Society of America
P.O. Box 9140
Boulder, CO 80301-9140

Deadline for award nominations: 31 March.

Contact GSA
fax 303-357-1070

Mail appropriate supporting documents to:
Geological Society of America
Attn: Grants, Awards & Recognition
PO Box 9140
Boulder, CO 80301-9140